Why not schedule a
one-minute educational session each meeting? Get
together with all club offers and plan which
topics you want for your Educational Minute -
who will present and when.
Pick members who are enthusiastic and eager to
learn and share, and ask them to present to the
club one single aspect of Pathways. Keep it
short and to the point. Don't do special
presentations for 'credit' or as a speech
project - but just as a way to give more
information to the group. If you keep them to a
minute or so, they won't take up a speaking slot
or won't add much time to the agenda, but will
add great value.
Remember, just because you know some of this
information, it doesn't mean other members do.
You get new members all the time - and some
other members may never have been exposed to
this information.
If you have ideas you want
posted here -
send them to
me with their links.
Let me know if
this idea is working for your club.
Just email me.
Here's an entry you can use inside the club,
outside the club or in your daily life.
Just click:
ZOOM Tips!
And 'Zoomology'
- the study and use of Zoom for online
meetings - almost every thing you want to know
about Zoom.