When You Are the Grammarian/AH-Counter
The responsibilities of the grammarian are to introduce new words to members, comment on the language used during the course of the meeting, and to provide examples of good grammar and word usage.

Tips on being an effective Grammarian:
  • Select a word of the day. Choose a word of the day to help members build their vocabularies and that they can incorporate into everyday conversation.
  •  Prepare a brief description of the grammarian’s duties for the benefit of guests.
  • Communicate the word of the day for inclusion in the agenda or develop a visual aid. Include the word, part of speech (verb, noun, adjective, or adverb - An adjective or adverb is suggested since they are more adaptable than a noun or verb, but feel free to select your own special word), definition, and use it in a short sentence (see a sample way to do the word of the day for online meetings at the end of this presentation.
  • Be prepared to take notes as people speak during the meeting.
  • When introduced, announce the word of the day. State the part of speech, the definition, use it in a sentence, and invite everyone speaking during the meeting to use it.
  • Briefly explain the role of the grammarian.
  • Throughout the meeting, listen to each speaker’s word usage. Write any awkward use or misuse of language (such as incomplete sentences or incorrect grammar) with a note of who erred.
  • Create a list of members who used the word of the day (or a form of it) and note those who used it correctly.
  • When called on by the General Evaluator during the evaluation section give your report. Offer examples of correct usage in every instance in which there was misuse of grammar. Report the use of creative language and announce who used the word of the day (or a form of it) correctly.
  • Club Database
Review complete Grammarian responsibilities here.
Ah Counter
An audible Ah counter draws participants to the filler words/sounds they use which distract the listener. Eliminating filler words gives Speakers confidence, they gain credibility and are highly respected when they speak contrary to speakers who ah, um an er through their speeches making them sound less confident and distracting the audience.
Tips on being an effective Ah Counter:
  • Prepare a brief explanation of the duties of the Ah-Counter for the benefit of guests.
  • Be prepared to take notes as people speak during the meeting.
  • When introduced, explain the role of the Ah-Counter
  • Throughout the meeting, listen to speakers and note unnecessary words, sounds, and pauses. Tally the sounds or words each person uses throughout the meeting
  • When called on by the General Evaluator during the evaluation section give your report.


Review complete Ah-Counter responsibilities here.