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Judging Forms and More
Automated Forms
Speech Contest Tutorials
Overview and Roles
When You are the Judge
The Judge's Guide and Ballot
Speech Contests F.A.Q.
Online Speech Contest Best Practices
(2021-2022 Toastmasters Contest Cycle )
International Speech Contest
International Speech Contest Judge's Guide and Ballot
International Speech Contest Tiebreaking Judge's Guide and Ballot
Evaluation Contest
Evaluation Contest Judges Guide and Ballot
Evaluation Contest Tiebreaking Judges Guide and Ballot
Table Topics Contest
Table Topics™ Contest Judge's Guide and Ballot
Table Topics Contest Tiebreaking Guide/Ballot
Humorous Contest
Humorous Speech Contest Judge's Guide and Ballot
Humorous Speech Contest Tiebreaking Judge's Guide and Ballot
Tall Tales
Tall Tales Contest Judge's Guide and Ballot
Tall Tales Contest Tiebreaking Judge's Guide
Speech Contest Kits
International Speech Contest
Evaluation Contest
Humorous Speech Contest
Table Topics Contest
Tall Tales Contest
Speech Contest Kits
Speech Contest Certificate Set
Certificate of Appreciation
 (perhaps for helping with the contest)
Miscellaneous Forms/Items
Judge's Certification of Eligibility and Code of Ethics
1168 Results Form
Counters' Tally Sheet
Speech Contest Time Record Sheet and Instructions for Timers
Speech Contestant Profile
'Stop Light' Timing Device
Timing Cards
Official Timing Cards (for virtual backgrounds)
American Flag (for the Pledge)
2020-2021 Speech Contest Rulebook
Speech Contest Tutorials
District 55 Speech Contest
1. What are the rules for an online contest?

Will the judging criteria change in any way? The judging criteria remains the same, but judges will be instructed not to judge contestants on the quality of their video but rather to judge based on the judging items outlined in the judge’s guide and ballot (e.g., content, delivery, language for the International Speech Contest). Should technology issues occur to a degree that hinders the contest, the chief judge can make the decision to stop the contest and resume when the issues are resolved.

2. How should a judge grade the "Effectiveness, Achievement of Purpose, Interest, Reception" for a speech? While observing audience member reactions is one way of determining how to score a contestant for Effectiveness (which includes achievement of purpose, interest, and reception), it is not the only indicator that should be considered. First, judges can consider their own reaction to the speech as an audience member. Additional questions to keep in mind when rating effectiveness include: Was the subject relevant to the audience? Was the subject presented clearly? What was the speech purpose? Did the speaker achieve their purpose?
...from the TI website: https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/news-and-announcements/covid-19-faq#Judging
1. If the first-place winner chooses not to compete in an online contest, can the second-place winner compete instead? Yes.

2. How should we go about obtaining signatures for speech contest forms?

The Judge’s Certification of Eligibility and Code of Ethics and the Speaker’s Certification of Eligibility and Originality must be completed and returned to the chief judge. This can be a digital signature directly on the fillable form or a scan or photo of the printed and completed form.

3. What should we do if technology fails while a speaker is delivering their speech? If technology fails and the chief judge determines that the contest needs to be paused, the contestant speaking will be allowed 30 seconds extra overtime and should resume their speech at the point at which the technology failed. If the technology repeatedly fails, the chief judge has the right to make the decision to reconvene the contest at a later date or time, if they feel that the contest can no longer continue.

4. What should we do if technology fails for a judge while a contestant is delivering a speech?
It is up to the chief judge to determine if technology failure on the part of one judge should pause the contest. Some Districts may choose to appoint extra voting judges in the event of a technology failure on the part of a voting judge.

5. Can a contestant ask for audience members to turn their webcams on so they can interact with the audience? The timer should leave their camera on through the entire contest and remain visible to all contestants. All other audience members should keep their webcams off. Webcams can slow down internet traffic and distract from a clear view of contestants.
...from the TI website: https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/news-and-announcements/covid-19-faq#OnlineContestProcedures
Automated Forms (Electronic)
Courtsey of Kathleen Bingaman, DTM, District 44
Many hours were spent by Kathleen Bingaman to create the Excel forms which tally the numbers so there won’t be mistakes, making it easier for judges and ballot counters. She set up rules so the cell will show in red if the addition of points reaches past 100. The top three scores should show up in green. If you are able to get a contest program where you can select the text, it’s even easier to grab the correct names off the document and paste into the forms.
Ballot Counter
Evaluation Judge's Form
Evaluation Tiebreaker Judge's Form
Humorous Speech Judge's Form
Humorous Speech Tiebreaking Judge's Form
International Speech Judge's Form
International Speech Tiebreaking Judge's Form
Table Topics Speech Judge's Form
Table Topics Tiebreaker Judge's Form
Designed by Frank Storey, DTM :: District 18 :: Linthicum, MD :: 410.850-5728 :: fstorey1943@gmail.com