This tutorial is meant to explain
the Pathways program before you begin it. It It is just
my interpretation of Pathways. I have made it as
accurate as possible - but I make no guarantees.
If you have a hardcopy in your possession - it's
probably out of date. The website is constantly being
critiqued by various Toastmasters. So the latest version
is always found here. |
This is the date it was last updated: |
September 2019 |
- The handout online consists of 4-11x17 pages,
printed back and front, so there will be two 11x17
pages in the handout.
- Plus an insert, printed on both sides, 8.5x11
- What you download looks like this:
MASTER PAGE 1 (11X17) |
MASTER PAGE 2 (11X17) |
MASTER PAGE 3 (11X17) |
MASTER PAGE 4 (11X17) |
INSERT (8.5x11) |
Printing Costs |
In my part of the world (Baltimore), Staples and Office
Depot charges about $6 per set (all the pages shown
above) when done in color. |
But if you go to a printer, not a copy center, you can
do them for about $1 per set. A club, area or division
might want to go together and get them all made at once. |
I've added the pages here in three versions: .jpg, gif,
and .pdf. Ask your printer to look at each or print a
sample to see which works best. These were all done in a
program called XARA, and so I cannot provide the
originals. |
Remember, check this website before printing - for the
latest version. Please keep my name, email and
phone number on the handouts, as people who get copies
often want more information, a newer version, or have
questions. |
You need all
6-downloads for 1-handout. |
Insert |
Insert |
September 2019 |
Print an 8x10 version. Pages:
10 |
Make your own business cards:
Download a Pocket Guide to Pathways for new members:
here. |